Ai'tswayon - Na'vi Links
Avatar Movie Official Site
UK Site
Avatar Movie Hometree - Austin Tate
Ai'tswayon Avatar
Na'vi Hometree
James Cameron's AVATAR Wikia
Pandora - The World of Avatar - at Disney World
Announcement Blog Post, Sep-2011
Learn Na'vi
- compendium and dictionary
Na'vi Language and Sounds
Talk Na'vi
- Navi Language Audio Site
Na'vi <-> English Translator
Second Life Locations
Pegase - Planet Pandora
Black Bend Island
Game-Based Learning
MoonBloom - The Legend of the Bloom of the Aligned Moons
- a game-based learning experience for the University of Edinburgh School of Education MSc in e-Learning Introduction to Digital Game-Based Learning Course (IDGBL) in 2012.
Na'vi Clans in Second Life
Second Life - Na'vi Omatikaya Clan - Ai'tswayon initiation ceremony to join the path of learning
Na'vi Clans in Second Life - The Ikran Climb
Pandora Discovered - Youtube Video
Ai'tswayon - Na 'vi name - tswayon = fly
Ai'tsyal - Ikran Na'vi name - tsyal = wing