Jimmy Gibson

Jimmy was born in Boise City, Idaho. Jimmy's parents were zoologists who made a special study of primates. They died whilst on safari in Kenya. The responsibility for bringing up Jimmy fell to his older brother Bill, who is 12 years older.

Naturally he found it hard, trying to raise a very inquisitive child (then 6 years old) and a mischievous monkey. When Jimmy was away at school, Bill was able to build up his transport business and during the holidays he used to take Jimmy and Mitch with him on his journeys. This also helped Jimmy's education.

It was on one of those trips that their plane crashed in the sea only to be rescued by Mike Mercury in Supercar.

Seeing Jimmy as a younger version of himself Mike discussed with Beaker, Popkiss and Bill his ideas. They would look after Jimmy, enabling Bill to carry on with his business without worrying about his younger brother.

Everyone agreed and Jimmy was overjoyed to stay at Black Rock with his new found friends.

Apart from helping where he can around the labs, Jimmy, like Mike, loves aircraft and build models. He also tries to teach Mitch new tricks.

Mitch is Jimmy's pet monkey. Mitch was rescued by Jimmy's parents when its mother abandoned it. Mitch is very protective of the infant Jimmy - a bond which grew closer when the adult Gibsons perished whilst on safari in Kenya.

Main image is of an original Jimmy Gibson puppet owned by Robert Bailey after restoration and as displayed at the Fanderson Stand By For Action Convention on 18th and 19th May 2002. Image by Austin Tate.

Earlier restoration with different eyes is shown in an image from the Fanderson Century 21 Convention in October 2000. Photo © James Murphy and used with permission.

A second original Jimmy Gibson puppet head exists and was sold at a Phillips Auction in 1995. It has not yet been restored as at mid 2001. See additonal information on Supercar Puppets.

All material on Supercar is copyright by Carlton International Media. This is a fan maintained page intended to promote the shows of Gerry Anderson.
See Supermationation Site Techniques page at which details of the puppet mechanisms can be found. An image of the puppet mouth movement mechanism is here.

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