Forbidden Island

A Collaborative Development of a Supercar Storybook within the Internet Community.
Storyline suggested by Brian Hendrickson.
Story Script (PDF) (also MS Word)) by Brian Hendrickson.


After delivering Dr. Beaker to a scientific conference in Sydney, Mike and Jimmy and Mitch spot a tiny raft floating in the middle of the Pacific. It's sole occupant,a young Polynesian girl. Days before, the entire population of her island vanished without a trace during a terrible storm, but neither the storm nor the ocean currents should have carried her anywhere near the place where she was picked up. Can Mike and the Supercar team solve the mystery? How are their old enemies, Masterspy and Zarin involved? Will Jimmy Gibson finally succumb to the one thing every boy adventuer dreads -- puberty?

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All official material on Supercar is copyright by Carlton International Media Ltd. This is a fan maintained page intended to promote the shows of Gerry Anderson. The materials are provided for your enjoyment, but should not be used for any commercial purpose. Care has been taken to avoid the use of copyright images and other materials, but concerns over unsuitable use of materials, or suggestions for improvement on this page should be sent to Austin Tate (