A Collaborative Development of a Supercar Storybook within the Internet Community

Introduction | Phases&Status | Materials | Story | Other Stories | Credits


The "Supercar: Take Two" project ("Take 2" for short) is a collaborative venture involving a number of Supercar enthusiasts and those with an interest in Gerry Anderson productions. Its aim is to develop an on-line multi-media presentation of a new Supercar storybook. All the materials must be original. No copyright existing material will be used. It is intended to act as a framework and showcase or a range of experiments with on-line media such as:

The final result is meant to be accessible over the internet, or to be presented locally (e.g. off a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM image of the materials).

The title for the story "Supercar: Take Two" is meant to echo the final episode of Season One of the original Supercar TV series. This episode written by Gerry and Sylvia Anderson, was called "Supercar: Take One". Rather appropriately, it included aspects of a Hollywood style filming of the Supercar team in action.

Phases & Status

Phase Description Those Involved Status Materials
1 Storyline Austin Tate Completed 1-Jan-1998  
2 Story Outline Austin Tate Completed 11-Oct-1998 Story Outline (HTML)

Available Materials

A range of materials to assist you to make a contribution has been provided already, and will be added to over time. Go to the main Supercar Home Page to access a wide range of computer models, non-copyright images, etc. Please advise Austin Tate (a.tate@ed.ac.uk) if any image accessible here is copyrighted and must be removed).etc.

One major resource is a 3D Computer Model of Supercar, the Black Rock Laboratory and other related items. These can be used to produce a wide variety of images, cartoon style graphics and animations. See the Supercar 3-D CAD Model Home Page.

The Stories

The following suggestions for stories have been made. Anyone interested in getting together to develop outline storylines to add to the Take 2 project?

  Story Theme Suggested By
Supercar: Take Two Austin Tate
AVGAS, will travel Mark DeSantis
Polar Bearings Austin Tate
Supercar and the Lost City Mateen Greenway
Forbidden Island Brian Hendrickson

Note that a project to create on-line storybooks for Fireball XL5 is being coordinated by Robin Day. See the Fireball XL5 Illustrated Stories site. A Supercar/Fireball XL5 cross-over story is included.


This credit list seeks to acknowledge all who have contributed.

Take 2 Concept: Austin Tate
Computer Models: Mick Imrie
Austin Tate
Computer Generated Images: Mick Imrie
Austin Tate
Mateen Greenway
Input of Ideas and Stories: Austin Tate
Mark DeSantis
Mateen Greenway
Mike Clark
Greg Weir
Brian Hendrickson

Let Austin Tate know if you have accidentally been missed out.

© 1998-2006. The copyright in all materials displayed and provided is that of the originating author or artist. Such materials should not be used without permission.

All official material on Supercar is copyright by Carlton International Media Ltd. This is a fan maintained page intended to promote the shows of Gerry Anderson. The materials are provided for your enjoyment, but should not be used for any commercial purpose. Care has been taken to avoid the use of copyright images and other materials, but concerns over unsuitable use of materials, or suggestions for improvement on this page should be sent to Austin Tate (a.tate@ed.ac.uk).

Supercar Home Page